A Woman’s Influence

“There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife.” (Italics mine) 1 Ki 21:25

At all levels of society for millennia, women have influenced their men for good or for evil. It could be in small matters or large, and all bore consequences. The Bible is full of many examples including Delilah, Abigail, Jezebel, Lot’s wife, Sarai, Esther, Eve and others.

Have you named a daughter Jezebel or have you ever had a family member or friend do so? It’s uncommon, to be sure, and that’s due largely to the negative connotation of the woman it represents. In Hebrew the name is ‘īzebhel meaning impure or wicked.

In 1 Kings 16 through 2 Kings 9, the story is told of how this Phoenician princess influenced her husband, the Israelite King Ahab, to promote the worship of Baal in Israel which involved, among other things, self-mutilation, infant sacrifice and ritual sex—all expressly forbidden by God.

In addition, when her husband King Ahab was depressed that his offer to buy a field was turned down because the land has been passed on through many generations, Jezebel had the owner killed and took the land from the rightful heirs.

It’s good to look inward and evaluate how our feelings, words and actions affect those around us. It’s a sad legacy when we harm others this way. Is there a child in your life who never meets with your satisfaction and you let her know it? Or a husband who needs respect and affirmation, but we hold back for fear we’ll make him conceited when we really want to keep him down, perhaps to make ourselves feel superior?

Out of love for our families we should strive to build others up, not in a way that makes them think they are the center of the universe, but to encourage them to do their best even if they don’t come in first, are the top of their class, or the prom queen. Every person has worth and is unique. Let’s celebrate those things and resist the urge to pressure them so much they get exhausted and frustrated trying to get our attention and approval.

There is a balance between nurturing narcissists (society already has enough of them) who think they do no wrong and are superior to everyone else, and praise for accomplishments based on honest, hard work, good attitudes and self-respect. 

If we recognize an area where we can change our behavior or thinking toward someone, let’s begin to affect positive influence on them rather than negative. We’ll all benefit. The future depends on it.

Have you seen this in your own life? Were you brought down by a demeaning parent, boss or spouse? Have you been able to get beyond it to see the truth about your own good qualities and character? It can take a lot of self-talk and sometimes counseling, but we can get past it. Care to share?

Photo: Baal, right arm raised. Bronze figurine, 14th-12th centuries, found in Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit).  Unknown – Jastrow (2006) Public Domain

1 Thessalonians 5:11 
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…”

#idolatry #badinfluence #Jezebel #Ahab #wickedwoman

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